
Categoria: Peri-Implantite

Autors: Fernando Manuel Pinto Duarte, Fernando Luiz Duarte de Almeida, Leonel Alves de Oliveira.

Reference:Multiprotocol treatment modality in chronic peri-implantitis utilizing decontaminating, single phase bio-ceramic and autologous fibrin matrix
J Case Rep Images Dent | 2023;9(1):1–6.

Abstract: Introduction: Peri-implant diseases are defined as pathological inflammatory reactions in the tissue surrounding osseointegrated implants. They are classified into two categories: mucositis—defined as periimplant soft tissue inflammation and peri-implantitis bone loss in the peri-implant region.
Case Report: A clinical case of a 61-year-old woman with an implant in the 46 anatomical position presented with peri-implantitis after a 5-year follow-up. A probe depth of 5 mm and a bone defect length of 35% was observed. The Implacure Protocol was applied, with the main objective of eliminating the biofilm present on the exposed implant surface. There are multiple approaches to treat peri-implant diseases. While non-surgical treatment is essentially sufficient for mucositis control, the treatment in most cases of peri-implantitis should be surgery. Regenerative bone reconstruction promotes bone repair in the defect area and reduces bleeding during probing. To achieve that, autologous fibrin combined with Cerasorb M was used.

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