
Categoria: CirurgiaOrtognatica

Autores: Duarte F., Silva JN., Ramos C., Hopper C.

Referência: Evaluation of Pressure Changes in Orthognathic Surgery using Pressurex® in 3 Years of Follow-up ​
International Journal of Modern Engineering Research| Vol. 14 | Iss. 3 | May.-June. 2024 | 90-97|

Abstract: Despite its importance, the measurement of pressure in orthognathic surgery often receives little attention. Pressurex® (SPL – Sensor Products LLC, USA) is one of a few pressureindicating sensor films that reveals pressure distribution and magnitude between any two contacting, mating or impacting surfaces, and is currently viewed as a golden standard for that purpose. This study was designed to test Pressurex® in orthognathic surgery.

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