Categoria: Peri-implantite
Autores: Duarte F.
Referência: Peri-Implantite
IMPLANTOLOGIE Journal | Edição 6 de 2018
Resumo: Periimplantitis ist eine der medizinischen Herausforderungen des 21. Jahrhunderts. Weltweit suchen Implantologen und Parodontologen immer wieder nach zuverlässigen und umsetzbaren therapeutischen Lösungen. Anhand eines klinischen Fallbeispiels zeigen die Autoren ihr bevorzugtes Protokoll einer Periimplantitisbehandlung auf. Dabei kommen ein biomimetisches Knochenersatzmaterial sowie eine resorbierbare Kollagenmembran zum Einsatz.
Multiprotocol treatment modality in chronic peri-implantitis utilizing decontaminating, single phase bio-ceramic and autologous fibrin matrix
Peri-implant diseases are defined as pathological inflammatory reactions in the tissue …
Surgical approach combining implantoplasty and reconstructive therapy with locally delivered antibiotic in the treatment of peri-implantitis: A prospective clinical case series
Nonsurgical treatment, resective surgery, reconstructive surgery, or combined approaches have been proposed for the treatment …
ΠΡΩΤΌΚΟΛΛΟ IMPLACURE® – Μία θεραπευτική επιλογή για την περιεμφυτευματίτιδα
Η εισαγωγή των οδοντικών εμφυτευμάτων έφερε μία αλλαγή στον τρόπο της αποκατάστασης του …
Peri-Implantitis – Decontaminating and Regenerative Treatment Protocol
Peri-implant diseases are defined as pathological inflammatory reactions in the tissue surrounding the osseointegrated implants.
Reconstructive treatment of soft and hard tissues around implants (Part 1)
Oral implant restoration has profoundly changed the traditional restoration method, and is currently considered to be the most effective …
Reconstruction of soft and hard tissues around implants (Part 2)
The standard treatment procedure for peri-implantitis (IMPLACURE® PROTOCOL) includes: within the first 4-7 days, the antibiotic …
Decontaminating and Regenerative Treatment of Peri-Implantitis with Implacure Protocol in Zygomatic Implants
The rehabilitation of the severely atrophied edentulous maxilla poses a great challenge to surgeons and prosthodontics that work …
Peri – Implantite
A reabilitação da maxila edêntula extremamente atrófica comporta um grande desafio cirúrgico e protético, para os profissionais que se dedicam a esta área.
As doenças peri-implantares são definidas como reações inflamatórias patológicas …