Oral Cancer
Head and neck carcinoma is the 6th most common cancer. This appears with a higher incidence in men and from 45 years old.
The main risk factors are the consumption of tobacco and alcohol on a routine basis (especially when there is an association of both) and some precancerous lesions (such as erythroplasia, leukoplakia, lichen planus).
In the oral cavity, its most frequent location is on the floor of the mouth and soft palate, under the tongue and on the side of the tongue.
These carcinomas usually manifest as a patch of variable color, a more or less hardened mass or an ulcer that does not heal in less than 15 days. Initially there are no painful symptoms.
Its treatment depends on the degree of evolution of the carcinoma, and it may be necessary to combine surgery, with radiotherapy and chemotherapy.
Useful advice:
- Avoid smoking and alcoholic habits;
- Visit your dentist regularly (minimum twice a year);
- Make a self-examination of the mouth every 3 months, evaluating lips, tongue, gums, cheeks and if you notice any changes (spots, nodules) visit your dentist as soon as possible;
- If any injury remains for more than 15 days, visit your dentist as soon as possible.