This is the branch of dental medicine that deals with periodontal diseases, which are all the structures that support the teeth (gums, ligaments and bone). The most frequent problems are gingivitis (inflammation of the gum) and periodontitis (inflammation of the remaining supporting tissues), both of which are of bacterial origin.
Although these problems are usually asymptomatic, failure to treat them can result in tooth loss.
Usually these problems occur from the age of 30 onwards and in a mild way in which treatment is relatively simple. One of the main causes of gingivitis is the accumulation of bacterial plaque (a film that forms daily) that over time mineralizes, becoming tartar. This results in spontaneous gum bleeding, red gums, bad breath and general discomfort – Gingivitis. When visiting your dentist regularly, he will perform a scaling (cleaning). If this does not happen, the bacteria present can continue to develop and multiply, attacking the alveolar bone and the periodontal ligament – Periodontitis. When this happens, deep pockets appear that can lead to tooth mobility, pain on touch, spontaneous gingival bleeding, bad breath, altered teeth position. Its treatment consists of eliminating the bacteria present in the periodontal pockets, using instruments that can access deeper places, performing a scaling and root smoothing.
The best way to prevent these diseases is to maintain adequate daily oral hygiene by brushing your teeth after meals, using dental floss or brush, depending on the size of the interdental spaces. To do this, consult your dentist.