


Would you like to have your smile back?

What if it were possible in less than 12 hours?

Time is a precious asset and sometimes scarce, thinking about patients who do not have time to waste, Clitrofa has created the service “Smile in 12H”.

The technological advances of dental implants have undergone a great evolution, allowing, thus, the placement of implant-supported teeth in the same day!

A treatment of this kind about 10 years ago, after implant placement, required 6 months of osseointegration. During this period patients had to wear removable prostheses or be edentulous.

It is the ideal solution for people with removable dentures, or who need a total rehabilitation!

Before performing this treatment, additional diagnostic tests (CT, Panoramic X-ray) are required and if all conditions are met, the patient is ready for rehabilitation.

Mark already, your evaluation appointment and have the quality of life you always wanted!
Want to know more about implant placement? Discover here in our Implantology area.

Implantology Evaluation Appointment

These are some of the patients who already smile with us!

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