Category: Oral Surgery
Autors: Duarte F., Salgado A., Fernandes J.
Reference: Rev Port Estomat Med Dent Cirurg Maxilofac 2003; 44(3):145-149
ISSN: 1646-2890
Abstract: Eagle syndrome is a rare entity, defined as an ossification of the styloid process, which is not commonly suspected in clinical practice. Symptoms were dull and persistent pharyngeal pain, dysphagia, and facial pain.
In addition to careful clinical examination, the use of plain radiographs, orthopantomograms or computer tomography scan has allowed accurate preoperative diagnosis of this syndrome. Surgical treatment has positively resolved the symptoms in the majority of the cases.
Results of surveys carried out during the month of oral health colgate and SPEMD – October 2002
This report briefly summarizes the data collected by a group of dental practitioners (MDGs) from Portugal …
Platelet rich plasma – Laboratory technique
Platelet-rich plasma has been used as a vehicle for growing factors potentially increasing the natural process of regeneration …
Plasma rich in growth factors – Laboratory and surgical approach
Platelet-rich plasma has been used as a vehicle for growing factors potentially increasing the natural process of regeneration and cicatrisation …
Piezosurgery®: An Ultrasound Device for Oral Surgery and Oral Implantology
Piezosurgery® uses modulated ultrasonic vibration to allow controlled cutting of bony structures …
Foreign body in the maxillary sinus: A case report
The Caldwell-Luc operation was first described in the late 19th century as a technique to remove infection and diseased mucosa…
Supernumerary Teeth
Supernumerary teeth (or hyperdontia), though relatively rare, may be the cause of several dental and oclusal disturbs, mainly in the permanent dentition…
Neonatal and natal teeth review of the literature on a clinical case
The study of natal and neonatal teeth has generated much interest through the years.
Inclusion of premolar teeth – Review of the literature and clinical case
Dental inclusions are not rare events in clinical practice, and have therefore been the target of numerous studies and scientific publications.
Newborn and Neonatal Teeth
The study of natal and neonatal teeth has generated much interest through the years.